Colour photographs of 1940s fashion by John Rawlings

‘John Rawlings (1912-1970) was a Condé Nast Publications fashion photographer from the 1930s through the 1960s. Rawlings left a significant body of work, including 200 Vogue magazine and Glamour magazine covers to his credit and 30,000 photos in archive.’

- Wikipedia

All images: Corbis


Thank you to  The Fashion Spot


2 comments to Colour photographs of 1940s fashion by John Rawlings

  • CatM

    Wow, that picture of Gene Tierney stands right out, but I want to be the lady with the mirror. Why can’t photo shoots still look like this?

  • Anita

    Thanks for those. I remember my mother in styles like these. About half the syles are still wearable today and the other half look too “dressed up” and stiff for comfort. American fashions (the sweat suit, the T shirt) are big on comfort nowadays.
    CatM – you can still get a photo shoot like this – you just have to go to the right photographer.

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