Abandoned Ships of the Mothballed Fleet

‘For decades, dozens of forgotten Navy and merchant ships have been corroding in Suisun Bay, 30 miles northeast of San Francisco. These historic vessels - the Mothball Fleet - served their country in four wars: WWII, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and Desert Storm. After a decade of impasse, the ghost fleet is slowly dwindling as the ships are towed out one-by-one for scrapping. About 15 retired ships are already gone; by 2025, the entire fleet will be just a memory’

Thank you to Scott Haefner and Jonathan Haeber

10 comments to Abandoned Ships of the Mothballed Fleet

  • jufjo

    I’d love to have a look around there, I can think of about a zillion horror story ideas just looking at the pictures!

  • mcravener

    More mothball fleet photos at http://aheiden13.squarespace.com/gallery/mothball-fleet/

  • Jacqui

    Imagine the use those ships could provide. A few floating hotels…I would love to take a stroll around a few of them.

  • Malc

    Less of the horror that is HDR please :o )

  • KulkulkanX

    I used to drive past these often when I drove from my home in San Jose to relatives in Sacramento. I’m glad to finally see what the inside of these look like, and sad to learn that they will soon be gone…

  • Tony Coleby

    I’m so glad somebody else mentioned the fake HDR toning and not me. TBH it is over-used but has its place especially when the photos is already outstanding. Give the tog credit, some of these are composed really well.

    But, nice pics and I’d LOVE to bring my own cameras to somewhere like this!

  • Basta

    A bunch of these look just like Aperture Science.

  • CatM

    Those swivel chairs say “Pioneer Chicken” to me! I’ve only seen them at Pioneer, and occasionally the restaurants that took over the old Pioneer buildings. This is the first time I’ve ever seen them anywhere else.

  • Bill Edwards

    Beautiful photos. I’d love to have a few of those retro chairs and table lamps.

  • Home Fancy

    All that wonderful mid-century furniture going to absolute waste.

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