Time-Lapse of Natalie from birth to 10 years old in 1 minute 25 sec

Thank you to JAMagicFilms


7 comments to Time-Lapse of Natalie from birth to 10 years old in 1 minute 25 sec

  • qka

    That many baby pictures? She must have been a first child.

  • K

    Lovely, if I was this child’s auntie. As is, not so exciting and rather off-topic for this blog, surely?

  • bitsmarmie

    This is so dear, even though I am not the child’s relative I appreciate the sweetness of this evolution. I would think most people would, especially parents.

  • Jamie T


    No…actually this film is *exactly* what this blog is about.
    It’s about capturing the passing of time and our perceptions of it.

    Spot on entry.


  • Richard Baldwin

    This is truly great, although I wonder what effect this has had on the girl…having had a daily photo regimen for 10 years of her life.

    She will be fully prepared for the modern CCTV world, that’s the truth!

  • Richie

    It was fascinating to see all of her repeated expressive gestures and poses when she was younger, then to watch those gestures fade away as she grew older and started to conform to the society of others. Did anyone else think she got sadder?

  • Fredo


    that’s exactly what I thought while watching video !

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