Colour photographs of New York, 1960

  • el
  • pt
  • View north from Herald Square (1960)

    West up Maiden Lane from Pearl Street, Manhattan (1960)

    Looking west from 42nd & Broadway (1960)

    City Hall Square from Park Row (1960)

    Peter Minuit Plaza, Lower Manhattan (1960)

    Peter Minuit Plaza, Lower Manhattan (1960)

    Staten Island ferry, Lower Manhattan (1960)

    The Amy B and Brooklyn skyline (1960)

    Toward Brooklyn from South Ferry (1960)

    Whitehall Street from Peter Minuit Plaza near Battery, NYC (1960)

    All images from the Charles Cushman Collection.

    This capsule was curated by JG Mango.

    Thank you to Business Insider. Thank you also to Kateopolis below.

    4 comments to Colour photographs of New York, 1960

    • Robyn Jane

      The really depressing thing about these pictures is that I’m old enough to remember when NYC looked like that! lol

      Love the tail-fins on the cab!

    • kateoplis

      These are all by Charles W. Cushman. It would be lovely if he was credited.


    • Chris

      Thanks Kate, and apologies. I left out the credit by mistake, and I will add it straightaway. You may have seen we have credited his work in previous posts, for example the recent New York in the 1940s post.


      ….I can almost tastethe grilled Nedicks hotdog and the orange drink!!so far…no pic’s of “chock full..stores..”and who outthere remembers..when you would walk by one of the “Irish” bars..simply walk by…say..after ll:00 am you culd smell the cornbeef…and thelfrench fries?????…right here outside the White Rose…”my kind of town…New York is..”…thank you!!!!barry

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