Frank Sinatra - 1938
Johnny Cash - 1965
Steven Tyler - 1967
Jimi Hendrix - 1969
Janis Joplin - 1969
Jane Fonda - 1970
Larry King -1971
Dennis Hopper - 1975
David Bowie - 1976
Jerry Lee Lewis - 1976
Bill Gates - 1977
Woody Harrelson - 1982
Ozzy Osbourne - 1984
Kurt Cobain - 1986
James Brown - 1988
Fifty-Cent - 1994
Thank you to The Smoking Gun
Please, may you configure the feeds of your blog in a way that be possible to see your (wonderfull) photos directly in my feed reader (currently I have to access each time in your blog and I am very lazy)? Thanks
I’d like to know what Bill Gates did to land in jail at such a young age.
haha why is bill gates looking so pleased with himself?
“Gates was arrested in Albuquerque in 1977 for running a stop sign and driving without a license.”
Sure, sorry about that Cacioman. We are working to correct it.
Hahaha, glad someone else asked the Bill Gates question!
What about Bowie?! How suave does he look.
My fave has to be Janis Joplin, there’s something in the quality of her shots that has an ethereal beauty.
They should of kept Jane Fonda locked up for a lifetime.
I’m dying to know why David Bowie was arrested in Rochester, NY of all places!
Looks like he was arrested for pot possession.
The only one who looks really dangerous is Larry King.
Haha, new found respect for Bill Gates!
LOL @ Robert! These are wonderful. Poor Ozzy looks as if he got busted while wearing his pajamas.
Interesting. But where is Mick and the Stones?
Nobody beats this guy.
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Please, may you configure the feeds of your blog in a way that be possible to see your (wonderfull) photos directly in my feed reader (currently I have to access each time in your blog and I am very lazy)? Thanks
I’d like to know what Bill Gates did to land in jail at such a young age.
haha why is bill gates looking so pleased with himself?
“Gates was arrested in Albuquerque in 1977 for running a stop sign and driving without a license.”
Sure, sorry about that Cacioman. We are working to correct it.
Hahaha, glad someone else asked the Bill Gates question!
What about Bowie?! How suave does he look.
My fave has to be Janis Joplin, there’s something in the quality of her shots that has an ethereal beauty.
They should of kept Jane Fonda locked up for a lifetime.
I’m dying to know why David Bowie was arrested in Rochester, NY of all places!
Looks like he was arrested for pot possession.
The only one who looks really dangerous is Larry King.
Haha, new found respect for Bill Gates!
LOL @ Robert!
These are wonderful. Poor Ozzy looks as if he got busted while wearing his pajamas.
Interesting. But where is Mick and the Stones?
Nobody beats this guy.