The Georgian iMax

The word Panorama was invented - and patented - by the painter Robert Barker in 1792 when, aged 53, he used it to describe his 360 degree paintings of Edinburgh.

Barker went on to construct “The Panorama” (above) in Leicester Square, the first purpose built building for disaplaying Panoramic images. By the 1860s, most European Cities had a Panorama - they were still popular in the USA at the end of the nineteenth century, where they were known as Cycloramas. It wasn’t until the arrival of cinema that Barker’s invention was finally superceded.

Here is a selection of the handbills that accompanied Barker’s Panoramic shows:


Thank you to BibliOdyssey & Paul K and to Lady Crafthole

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4 comments to The Georgian iMax

  • jufjo

    We still have one in The Hague, painted by one of our famous Dutch masters.
    The subject of his panorama is the beach at Scheveningen and the public stands inside a small beach hut that has been placed on real sand.
    The illusion is perfect.

  • Alan

    A number of more recent cycloramas can still be seen today; many illustrate famous military actions. They include the Waterloo Cyclorama, Borodino Cyclorama and the Gettysburg Cyclorama. All on or close to the original battlefields.

  • [...] on from The Georgian iMax, these spectacular contemporary panorama are the work of Lucy Martin aka Lady [...]

  • Ben Coleman

    We have one in (ironically, given the title of your article) Georgia. Atlanta, GA, USA, to be precise, still trading and in fine health as ‘the Cyclorama’. Atlanta is a town I have pseudo time-travelled to from the UK in order to catch a glimpse of life in the dark ages…

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