Dublin, 1961, in colour


Thanks to Donal Scannell

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5 comments to Dublin, 1961, in colour

  • Blue Koyote

    Wonderful ! As a result if seeing these, I spent the afternoon looking at old photos of Dublin and discovered that these ones are part of a huge archive of photos that Charles Cushman took of many countries over 30 years. These are now in the keeping of the Indiana University Archives.

    Home Page:

    Location listing:

  • Leon

    I actually remember those buses and I’m only 34!?

  • Muitas fotos, um disco e algumas histórias « Rolimã

    [...] quem não se interessa pode ver essas fotos da capital irlandesa de 1961, pescadas daqui. Impressiona a resolução e qualidade das cores de imagens produzidas há 50 anos. #gallery-1 { [...]

  • Paul

    Leon you couldn’t mate, when you were born the orange buses were about…you probably remember a photo hehehe…

  • Tweets that mention Dublin, 1961, in colour « How to be a Retronaut -- Topsy.com

    [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Liz Buckley, Crnndffy, David Wright, conorbent, Ķ fade ┌ and others. Ķ fade ┌ said: RT @liz_buckley: Also RT @Munchious: Dublin in colour, 1961 http://howtobearetronaut.com/2010/02/dublin-1961-in-colour/ [...]

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