Bandage instructions from medical encyclopedia, 1813

Bandage instructions from medical encyclopedia, 1813 2

Breast cancer treatment for a 60-year-old female patient, 1809

Breast cancer treatment for a 60-year-old female patient, 1809 2Breast cancer treatment for a 60-year-old female patient, 1809 2

Confidential Notes on the Treatment of Skin Growths, 1847

Confidential Notes on the Treatment of Skin Growths, 1847 2

Dissection of a 34-year-old criminal executed in 1798

Dissection of a 34-year-old criminal executed in 1798 2

Dissection of a 34-year-old criminal executed in 1798 3

Dissection of a body belonging to a female criminal executed in 1800

Dissection of body of 34 year old executed criminal female, 1774

Dissection of body of 34 year old executed criminal female, 1774 2

Dissection of body of 34 year old executed criminal female, 1774 3

Dissection of body of 34 year old executed criminal female, 1774 4

Illustration from 1759 edition of Zōzu

Japan's first recorded human dissection, 1754 2

Japan's first recorded human dissection, 1754

First human female dissection, 1759

Kaishihen (Dissection Notes), 1772

Kaishihen (Dissection Notes), 1772 2

Kaishihen (Dissection Notes), 1772 3

Kaishihen (Dissection Notes), 1772 4

Kaishihen (Dissection Notes), 1772 5

Kaishihen (Dissection Notes), 1772 6

Sequel to Confidential Notes on the Treatment of Skin Growths, 1859

Sequel to Confidential Notes on the Treatment of Skin Growths, 1859 2

Skeletal remains of criminal that had been burned at the stake, 1732 2
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