“I would dearly love to rent the room that is to let in this old building in Aldgate, photographed by Henry Dixon for the Society for Photographing Relics of Old London. Too bad it was demolished in 1882.
Founded by a group of friends who wanted to save the Oxford Arms, threatened with demolition in 1875, the Society for Photographing Relics of Old London touched a popular chord with the pictures they published of age-old buildings that seem to incarnate the very soul of the ancient city. London never looked so old as in these atmospheric images of buildings forgotten generations ago.
How much I should delight to lock the creaky old door, leaving my rented room in Aldgate, so conveniently placed above the business premises of John Robbins, the practical optician, and take a stroll across this magical city, where the dusk gathers eternally. Let us go together now, on this cloudy November day, through the streets of old London. We shall set out from my room in Aldgate over to Smithfield and Clerkenwell, then walk down to cross the Thames, explore the inns of Southwark and discover where our footsteps lead …”
- Spitalfields Life

This row of shambles was destroyed for the extension of the Metropolitan Railway from Aldgate to Tower Hill, 1883
Images © Bishopsgate Institute
Thank you to Alex Butterworth
You can still go to the George Inn and it is recognisably the building in that picture. How I would have loved to rent that room and do that walk too.
London’s last remaining galleried coaching inn, now protected by the National Trust.
it makes me sad to think so much of these beautiful, charming and important buildings are gone. I would have liked to have gone to the City Bicycle School very much.