“For many photographers, childhood, so short-lived in terms of time but lasting in impact and memory, has been an inspiring subject. The pictures in this exhibition recall the spirit, vulnerability, playfulness, unpredictability, restlessness, and dignity of children throughout generations and in diverse parts of the world.”
- When They Were Young, Robert Coles

"Eskimo child leaning on block of wood", 1905

"Tad Lincoln, son of President Abraham Lincoln, in a Union uniform", early 1860s

"Unidentified girl holding daguerreotype", 1847

B. W. Kilburn "Jewish children in a street of Warsaw, Poland" ca. 1897

Clarence H. White "The ring toss", 1899

Edward J. Steichen "Mother and child - sunlight", 1906

Edward S. Curtis "The daughter of Bad Horses (Cheyenne)", ca. 1905

F. Holland Day "Girl in dress with white collar", 1905

Keystone View Company, Singhalese girls, Ceylon ca. 1905
[...] people, by ordinary people. One of my favourite websites, How to be a Retronaut, recently posted some pictures of ordinary children from various backgrounds, taken around a hundred years [...]