“In 1936, 16-year-old Ria van Dijk from Tilburg, Holland, fires a gun in a fairground shooting gallery. She hits the target, triggering a camera to take her portrait as a prize.
At the age of 88, Ria van Dijk still makes her annual pilgrimage to the Shooting Gallery.”
- Lens Culture
Taken from “In Almost Every picture #7″, collected & edited by Erik Kessels and Joep Eljkens
Thank you to Zoe
This is a wonderful collection. This woman deserves bundles of credit for doing this and sharing with us!
Dutch women and guns, dangerous combination.
We never miss
now everyone knows how the hole REALLY got in the dyke.
October 21, 2025 at 1:54 pm
Dutch women and guns, dangerous combination.
We never miss
The quality and composition of the photographs gets progressively worse as the technology “advances”.
@Darian Zam - I hope you mean dike.