Thank you to Amanda Uren and Designer Daily.
What your infographics are missing is that some logos (Renault, VW, Peugeot) got BIGGER, as if they are now targeting adults with a mindset of a 5-y.o. kid!
WOuld like to see a SAAB one.
The most recent logo of Audi is missing
SAAB for Steve T
The BMW 70-80´s logo is just so …… 80s
My dad owned a FIAT for a long time, and i remember it having the 1968′s logo ) good memories with that car
You forgot Fiat’s //// logo from the 80s
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What You've Said Letter From a Care Worker
What your infographics are missing is that some logos (Renault, VW, Peugeot) got BIGGER, as if they are now targeting adults with a mindset of a 5-y.o. kid!
WOuld like to see a SAAB one.
The most recent logo of Audi is missing
SAAB for Steve T
The BMW 70-80´s logo is just so …… 80s
My dad owned a FIAT for a long time, and i remember it having the 1968′s logo
) good memories with that car
You forgot Fiat’s //// logo from the 80s