“Old English Costumes” c.1913

“As was the custom of late Victorian and Edwardian genre painters, Talbot Hughes had amassed an extensive collection of historical costumes and accessories as studio props dating from the 16th century through the 1870s. The collection was donated to the Victoria and Albert Museum after it had been exhibited at Harrods department store in 1913. Samples of Hughes’s costume collection remain on public view at the V&A to this day in the British Galleries”

- Wikipedia

Hover your mouse over the images to see their descriptions.


Thank you to The Costumer’s Manifesto

3 comments to “Old English Costumes” c.1913

  • Marmaduke

    These are great because people still knew how to carry themselves in 1913, so the costumes look more authentic.

  • naomi

    And to think that nowadays there are women who shuffle around in yoga pants (how many of them actually practice yoga?) and men slouching around in basketball shorts.

  • Staar84

    None of these are actually from 1913. The collection was donated in 1913 and at THAT time they were already considered old. They look like they date from the mid-1700′s (starting at the top) until the 1870′s or 80′s.

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