Can you date this picture...? (4)

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21 comments to Can you date this picture…? (4)

  • Mikael Colville-Andersen

    I’m going with 1935, based solidly on my vague (non-existent) knowledge of motor vehicle history.

  • deats

    Hmm. I reckon it’s gotta be 1940s? I’ll stump for ‘45.

  • Lynda Kendall

    I am going to guess that they are model cars and that the pic is taken recently…. :-)

  • Arthur

    I’m going with something more recent, even though I’m probably wrong, because the cars all look like toys to me. So… 2025?

  • jufjo

    Shortly after WW2, so late 40s, perhaps even early 50s.
    Purely based on that Wheeler truck that seems the youngest vehicle there.

  • Chris Samuel

    I reckon sometime in the last year or two, by Michael Paul Smith. ;-)

    Very good, but it does look like a diorama to me, that shadow on the truck top right doesn’t quite look right.

  • Maggie Alderson

    I agree with Chris Samuel. I think they are Dinky toys, or equivalent of.

  • Simon Prockter

    The cars are late 1930’s early 40’s. The advertising on the front truck is Doublemint and that campaign began in 1939. So 1939 is my guess

  • Llywarch

    I’m going for 1949! Why? To be honest, Iit’s a gut feeling.

  • Banjo

    May 15th, 1937.

  • Buzz

    1947, I hope it’s only the year you want..

  • Claire

    There’s something about it, especially the “Wheeler” truck, that makes me think its actually a picture of models, just taken from a good angle. They can be very convincing when done well.

  • Daniel

    My guess is 1938. Think I see a guy sitting in one the truck cabs, so they’re not models.

  • CharlesH.

    ‘Tis from 1939…

  • Darian Zam

    I’ll guess 1948.

  • VonsterVon

    I like the idea that these are models…it’s got me fooled if they are…I’d take a punt on 1939 or thereabouts…or just post war…

  • Snif

    Things that favour “it’s a model”

    1) There are no people (or is that someone on the right edge, about a third of the way down?)

    2) Every vehicle is in such good condition…no “dirtying down” as it were

  • Ashley

    What makes it look like a model is that the odd blur at the top right hand corner, which only happens when:
    A. the entire subject is within a few feet of the camera lens - i.e. a model
    B. the camera has a “tilt” lens, which can do strange things with the focus plane.

    Tilting camera lenses were much more common prior to the 1950’s.

    I’m guessing this is real by the grunge on the trucks in the lower left.

    For examples of real life objects made to look like toys, check out Keith Loutit’s excellent short films.

  • Sebastian

    It looks like a model, there is something weird with the focus at the very top and buttom of the pic.

  • HrolfK

    Everything about the top of the picture says model, but the bottom is more realistic. But would a model maker think of parking a car on the pavement?

    If real, it’s the USA. Railway Express Agency truck at the bottom makes it after 1927. The Doublemint gum ad on the side has the twins in hats used until 1969.
    Wheeler Transportation Company doesn’t give us much in the way of clues. California?

    I’m leaning towards late 40’s, very early 50’s. It’s one for lorry enthusiasts.

  • Niles Ingalls

    I’m voting for 1939, awesome picture btw

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