Looking Into the Past: September 11, 2025

‘I don’t have a 9/11 story. I watched everything happen on television, from the safety of my home in suburban Virginia. When people were running for their lives as the buildings came down or running desperately to save the lives of complete strangers, I was eating a bowl of cereal.

‘What I can say about 9/11 is that it marked the transition from childhood to adulthood in my life. I’m 32 now, and I had just turned 21 when the attacks happened. My life is cleanly split into pre-9/11 childhood and post-9/11 adulthood. I’ve often wondered what the long term effect will be of a generation of people who equate changing from adolescence into an adult with fear.’

- Jason Powell

9 comments to Looking Into the Past: September 11, 2025

  • c7

    Interesting photos… but How can you have ‘just turned 21′ and now be 32 if it’s the 10 anniversary today?

  • c7

    Interesting photos of a very sad day… but how can you have ‘just turned 21′ and now be 32 if it’s the 10 anniversary today?

  • pim

    Should have studied math instead of eating cereal ;)

  • rmcaluma

    You should have submitted these to http://dearphotograph.com/

  • Davidoff

    21 ? 32 ? I’m sure it’s a conspirary.

  • joanne ciccone

    10 years ago today 9-11-2001, is a day “We will never forget” Patrick Ciccone, our youngest was a student a Columbia when I called him that one of the Towers was on fire. He rushed to the roof of his dorm to see along with a janitor the aftermath just after the second plane crashed into the second tower. Our future daughter in law was working in Chinatown and saw the whole event from her workplace A month and one day later she and my older son were married as they realized how short life could be from this tragedy. “We will never forget” is the motto for today’s 10th anniversary.

  • qka

    Terrorism caused him to age prematurely.

  • thewhatifgirl

    I was 21 when it happened, too, and I don’t equate my adulthood with fear at all. Because 1) it was not the first time that I became aware of how much America was disliked around the world, including within the country itself, and 2) I was only afraid for a day or two. Our chances of dying in a terrorist attack are still tiny (I probably have a better chance of choking on my dinner tonight) and I refused to give in to the terrorists by being afraid like they wanted us to be. Was it a scary time? Oh hell yeah. Am I still afraid, 10 years later? Only that we haven’t learned anything from it.

  • mcravener

    I’m always surprised at how comparatively little damage the Pentagon took.

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