Comments on: Ku Klux Klan’s Washington Parades, 1925-26 The past is a foreign country. This is your passport. Sun, 20 Nov 2025 18:21:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: Marcus Cogworks Marcus Cogworks Tue, 11 Oct 2025 09:13:55 +0000 Not a single F*** was given that day Not a single F*** was given that day

By: Chris Chris Sat, 10 Sep 2025 16:47:39 +0000 Any further comments to this post will be deleted. Any further comments to this post will be deleted.

By: davidabl davidabl Sat, 03 Sep 2025 21:20:03 +0000 Apples and oranges are different but they're both fruits....It's not like we're comparing grapefuits and golf balls here. All should remember that the Klan existed in three different eras-as three very different organizations. Any meaningful comparison with mainstream or near mainstram political organizations can only be made with the second Klan Which was a social, political,and electoral movement and not primarily a terrorist organization like the first and third versions of the Klan. btw, in the scale of the universe even golfballs and grapefruits are similar because they're both round, have a similar surface pattern and are within the same order of magnitude :-) Apples and oranges are different but they’re both fruits….It’s not like we’re comparing grapefuits and golf balls here.

All should remember that the Klan existed in three different eras-as three very different organizations. Any meaningful comparison with mainstream or near mainstram political
organizations can only be made with the second Klan Which was a social, political,and electoral movement and not primarily a terrorist organization like the first and third versions of the Klan.

btw, in the scale of the universe even golfballs and grapefruits are similar because they’re both round, have a similar surface pattern and are within the same order of magnitude :-)

By: STW STW Fri, 02 Sep 2025 17:45:44 +0000 Thanks to the O Brother What Art Thou, I can't see these photos without hearing the Wicked Witch of the West's guards sing "OH ee Oh, OOh- oh! "OH ee Oh, e- OOh- oh!" I cannot no longer take them that seriously (at least in this context) -albeit that was probably the Coen's intentions. Thanks to the O Brother What Art Thou, I can’t see these photos without hearing the Wicked Witch of the West’s guards sing “OH ee Oh, OOh- oh! “OH ee Oh, e- OOh- oh!” I cannot no longer take them that seriously (at least in this context) -albeit that was probably the Coen’s intentions.

By: Pit13 Pit13 Fri, 02 Sep 2025 03:49:32 +0000 @ Red Bunny: Spot on! Great catch. I love that movie. @ David A.: Also spot on. Obviously these marches were conducted with wide support and were very public and out in the open. It is fitting that the White House is featured prominently in some of those photos. President Wilson (the first "progressive" president?) was himself a member of the klan. And the Nazi party did have a fairly large and open following here in the States right before the second world war. As did the communist party in the early '30's. These movements where very public and open, which leads me to believe that "vast conspiracies" of any ideology are not what you have to look out for. It's the movements that are right smack in front of you that you have to watch out for. @ Red Bunny: Spot on! Great catch. I love that movie.

@ David A.: Also spot on.

Obviously these marches were conducted with wide support and were very public and out in the open. It is fitting that the White House is featured prominently in some of those photos. President Wilson (the first “progressive” president?) was himself a member of the klan. And the Nazi party did have a fairly large and open following here in the States right before the second world war. As did the communist party in the early ’30′s. These movements where very public and open, which leads me to believe that “vast conspiracies” of any ideology are not what you have to look out for. It’s the movements that are right smack in front of you that you have to watch out for.

By: Phil Woodford Phil Woodford Thu, 01 Sep 2025 21:45:24 +0000 Scary numbers in these photos. Scary numbers in these photos.
