George Bell, 24, convicted of stealing a watch, sentenced to 2 months

William Brankston, 43, convicted of stealing four rabbits, sentenced to 1 month

John Bryan, 29, convicted of stealing lead, sentenced to 4 months

Ann Burns, 18, convicted of stealing a waistcoat, sentenced to 1 month

Charles Burns, 19, convicted of false pretences, sentenced to 3 months

Jane Cartner, 22, convicted of stealing a silver watch, sentenced to 6 months

Thomas Dixon, 20, convicted of theft of money, sentenced to 6 months

Mary Catherine Docherty, 14, convicted of stealing iron, sentenced to 7 days hard labour

James Donneley, 16, convicted of stealing some shirts, sentenced to 2 months

John Duffy, 16, convicted of assault and theft, sentenced to 6 months

Jane Farrell, 12, convicted of stealing 2 boots, sentenced to do 10 hard days labour

Catherine Flynn, 34, convicted of stealing money from person, sentenced to 6 months

William Harrison, 51, convicted of obtaining oats by false pretence, sentenced to 12 months

Robert Hardy, 21, convicted of stealing ale, sentenced to 4 months

William Hill, 28, convicted of stealing champagne, sentenced to 6 months

Catherine Kelly, 17, convicted of stealing bed linen, sentenced to 3 months

George Lamb, 17, convicted of stealing money, sentenced to 4 months

Margaret McCann, 24, convicted of stealing money from a person, sentenced to 6 months

Alice Mullholland, 18, convicted of stealing some boots, sentenced to 3 months

Patrick O'Neill, 19, convicted of breaking in to houses, sentenced to 18 months

Mary Patterson, 25, convicted of theft of poultry, sentenced to 6 weeks

John Reed, 15, convicted of stealing money, sentenced to 14 days hard labour and 5 years reformation

James Richley, 30, convicted of stealing trivets, sentenced to 7 days hard labour

John Roman, 64, convicted of stealing some clothes, sentenced to 14 days hard labour

Mary Ann Ross, 34, convicted of theft of money as a prostitute, sentenced to 6 months

William Salmon, 18, convicted of stealing clothes, sentenced to 6 months

James Scullion, 14, convicted of stealing clothes, sentenced to 14 days hard labour

Edward Shevlin, 32, convicted of stealing a coat, sentenced to 6 months

Isabella Smith, 60, convicted of stealing poultry, sentenced to 6 weeks

William Smith, 25, convicted of stealing money and some scales, sentenced to 2 months

Thomas Smith, 32, convicted of defrauded another gentlemen, sentenced to carry 3 months

Henry Leonard Stephenson, 12, convicted of breaking in to houses, sentenced to 2 months

John Storey, 32, convicted of stealing wood, sentenced to 1 month

John Taylor, 26, convicted of stealing a trowel, sentenced to 1 month

Ellen Woodman, 11, convicted of stealing iron, sentenced to 7 days hard labour

Ezekiel Yates, 35, convicted of stealing tobacco, sentenced to 6 months
All images from Tyne and Wear Archives and Museums
These photos are intriguing.
Regards from Brazil!
What’s striking is the nature of their crimes. The vast majority were clearly impoverished and just seeking to survive.
LMAO, Justin Timberlake in the 5th picture!
So many of these pictures are just heartbreaking. Stealing clothes, jackets, poultry, iron (presumably to sell)…that’s all a far, far different matter than assault and/or stealing money or alcohol.
I ended up trying to guess the age as I scrolled down , some of them look so old before there time, some only in there thirties and looking well older.
Spider, that’s totally what I was thinking!
Lol, Mr Twist - I was doing and thinking the exact same thing! It’s also very eerie and heartbreaking to see kids of only 11 or 12 sentenced to hard labour…
Sylvia , how sad and hard the times were in those days , John Reed, 15 by the look of determination must have gone on to bigger things , I dread to think what became of all in the pictures. Hard times.
William Brankston, 43 does have that Ron Moody look , the actor who played Fagin in Oliver the movie