Comments on: Lesbian Pulp Fiction, 1935-1958 The past is a foreign country. This is your passport. Wed, 16 Nov 2025 08:19:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: Bruce Black Bruce Black Mon, 14 Nov 2025 21:39:11 +0000 Want to see a few more? And as to the photograph above: Photo covers in vintage paperbacks were almost never attributed. This was probably done by one of Gold Medal's (Fawcett's) staff artists as a pose from which to create a painting, but turned out well enough to use as is. Want to see a few more?

And as to the photograph above: Photo covers in vintage paperbacks were almost never attributed. This was probably done by one of Gold Medal’s (Fawcett’s) staff artists as a pose from which to create a painting, but turned out well enough to use as is.

By: Dar Dar Tue, 01 Nov 2025 06:32:19 +0000 I used to collect these "Sleaze" paperbacks a few years back, including some lesbian ones. They tended to be surprisingly well-written, though often the lesbians were portrayed as deviant or confused. but the sex was often quite graphic. I used to collect these “Sleaze” paperbacks a few years back, including some lesbian ones.

They tended to be surprisingly well-written, though often the lesbians were portrayed as deviant or confused.

but the sex was often quite graphic.

By: IgotBupkis IgotBupkis Mon, 10 Oct 2025 07:22:04 +0000 I suspect the readers of these will find mostly florid, overwrought writing that tiptoes around descriptions of actual sex, much as many romance novels do or at least used to do. The main target for these are still women, and the style is going to be much the same whether the object of affection is named "Leslie" or "Beaujohn". I suspect the readers of these will find mostly florid, overwrought writing that tiptoes around descriptions of actual sex, much as many romance novels do or at least used to do.

The main target for these are still women, and the style is going to be much the same whether the object of affection is named “Leslie” or “Beaujohn”.

By: David B David B Mon, 18 Jul 2025 14:55:49 +0000 Last time I was in Waterstones I noticed they have a small lesbian pulp fiction section with re-issues of books like these Last time I was in Waterstones I noticed they have a small lesbian pulp fiction section with re-issues of books like these

By: Kathleen the Great Kathleen the Great Sun, 10 Jul 2025 02:27:01 +0000 That "Lion House" cover, if it were a photo, would be much like a modern fashion editorial. That “Lion House” cover, if it were a photo, would be much like a modern fashion editorial.

By: marumaru marumaru Tue, 05 Jul 2025 01:16:30 +0000 This is probably a long shot, but... Does anyone have the slightest idea who the photographer responsible for the cover of "Spring Fire" might be? I must admit, I was smitten by this picture. This is probably a long shot, but…
Does anyone have the slightest idea who the photographer responsible for the cover of “Spring Fire” might be?
I must admit, I was smitten by this picture.
