Comments on: Abandoned subway cars in the sea Ever get the feeling you're living in the wrong time? Mon, 07 Nov 2025 01:50:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Shannon Shannon Sun, 11 Sep 2025 23:39:24 +0000 How the hell did so many people convince themselves that dumping any/everything in the ocean was a great idea? Let's not forget how "Glass Beach" came to exist in Northern Ca. A really destructive and foolish idea for disposal at the time. As much as I don't like how it came to be, I have to admit it really is an interesting place to see. This is my first visit to this site. I look forward to coming back. Thank you. How the hell did so many people convince themselves that dumping any/everything in the ocean was a great idea? Let’s not forget how “Glass Beach” came to exist in Northern Ca. A really destructive and foolish idea for disposal at the time. As much as I don’t like how it came to be, I have to admit it really is an interesting place to see.
This is my first visit to this site. I look forward to coming back. Thank you.

By: Sharmin Sharmin Fri, 09 Sep 2025 21:01:59 +0000 These images are riveting...haunting, heartbreaking, and sad...yet there is something so beautiful about these photos... These images are riveting…haunting, heartbreaking, and sad…yet there is something so beautiful about these photos…

By: Rebecca Rivera Rebecca Rivera Wed, 07 Sep 2025 21:32:33 +0000 Sad to say, the idea of dumping subway cars isn't new. Decades ago in Los Angeles, the tire and auto companies realized that the best way to convert L.A. into a car culture was to get rid of all the electric streetcars that ran from downtown out to the beach, to Pasadena, etc. So they dumped them all in the Santa Monica Bay and tore up all the streets they used to run on. True story. Sad to say, the idea of dumping subway cars isn’t new. Decades ago in Los Angeles, the tire and auto companies realized that the best way to convert L.A. into a car culture was to get rid of all the electric streetcars that ran from downtown out to the beach, to Pasadena, etc. So they dumped them all in the Santa Monica Bay and tore up all the streets they used to run on. True story.

By: qka qka Tue, 06 Sep 2025 16:11:01 +0000 Not to mention that if you dispose of the old subway cars on land, you can sell the metal for scrap. Lot's of stainless steel on those cars, stainless steels sells for a good price. Not to mention that if you dispose of the old subway cars on land, you can sell the metal for scrap. Lot’s of stainless steel on those cars, stainless steels sells for a good price.

By: Doug Jones Doug Jones Wed, 01 Jun 2025 21:42:57 +0000 Actually, Mark, it's cheaper to dispose of old subway cars on land- before turning them into reefs, they have all the old brake pads removed, fluids drained, various toxic materials taken away to landfills. But you'll enjoy your fashionable cynicism regardless of any good done in the world. Actually, Mark, it’s cheaper to dispose of old subway cars on land- before turning them into reefs, they have all the old brake pads removed, fluids drained, various toxic materials taken away to landfills. But you’ll enjoy your fashionable cynicism regardless of any good done in the world.

By: Mark Mark Tue, 29 Mar 2025 19:01:11 +0000 Want to dump your rubbish at sea but find your plans frustrated by all those pesky environmental regulations? Simple, label your c**p an 'artificial reef' and dump away! Want to dump your rubbish at sea but find your plans frustrated by all those pesky environmental regulations?
Simple, label your c**p an ‘artificial reef’ and dump away!
