Comments on: Abandoned Detroit Ever get the feeling you're living in the wrong time? Thu, 10 Nov 2025 17:04:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: Andy Andy Sun, 31 Jul 2025 16:41:42 +0000 Where's HGTV? Where’s HGTV?

By: Liutgard Liutgard Wed, 13 Jul 2025 05:55:40 +0000 The libraries. THE LIBRARIES! I know the cost in money and man-hours to move and re-site and re-catalogue books, but by everything that is holy, we can't afford to let libraries rot like that! The libraries. THE LIBRARIES!

I know the cost in money and man-hours to move and re-site and re-catalogue books, but by everything that is holy, we can’t afford to let libraries rot like that!

By: Victorian Victorian Wed, 18 May 2025 21:17:43 +0000 I'm not from Detroit and have never been there, but I love old buildings, victorian buildings and the like. They are part of our American heritage. They should all be restored to their original state and or grandeur. Looking at all these pictures, Detroit was a super city in it's day. I’m not from Detroit and have never been there, but I love old buildings, victorian buildings and the like. They are part of our American heritage. They should all be restored to their original state and or grandeur. Looking at all these pictures, Detroit was a super city in it’s day.

By: Jazmin Jazmin Wed, 27 Apr 2025 04:52:29 +0000 It is very sad to see pictures of important buildings in this condition. Im from Inglewood, Ca we havent got to the point where people are picking up and leaving because of lack of employment.Political corruption I believe exsist everywhere, its just a matter of time before the person running things brings the city to ruins, AND then WE ALL have to pay for their wrong doing. But, we are not excempt. Hopefully, one day Detroit can be the thriving city it once was. It is very sad to see pictures of important buildings in this condition. Im from Inglewood, Ca we havent got to the point where people are picking up and leaving because of lack of employment.Political corruption I believe exsist everywhere, its just a matter of time before the person running things brings the city to ruins, AND then WE ALL have to pay for their wrong doing. But, we are not excempt. Hopefully, one day Detroit can be the thriving city it once was.

By: M M Tue, 26 Apr 2025 14:23:06 +0000 I don't understand why such buildings have been allowed to rot like corpses. It should be a crime to let the theater were Duke Ellington & Tommy Dorsey played to rot like that. I guess people don't have money for upkeep of the buildings? I know where I am we'd LOVE to have a space, any space like that for performance space, dance lesson, and theater. I'm kind of shocked that the buildings are in worse shape on the inside due to vagrants. I've seen buildings stripped of absolutely everything to get the wiring. Bath tubs and toilets have disappeared. It looks like even the vagrants avoid those places...probably don't want to be in them at night, can you imagine!!! I don’t understand why such buildings have been allowed to rot like corpses. It should be a crime to let the theater were Duke Ellington & Tommy Dorsey played to rot like that. I guess people don’t have money for upkeep of the buildings?

I know where I am we’d LOVE to have a space, any space like that for performance space, dance lesson, and theater.

I’m kind of shocked that the buildings are in worse shape on the inside due to vagrants. I’ve seen buildings stripped of absolutely everything to get the wiring. Bath tubs and toilets have disappeared. It looks like even the vagrants avoid those places…probably don’t want to be in them at night, can you imagine!!!

By: Lily Hunt Lily Hunt Tue, 26 Apr 2025 11:57:43 +0000 The scientific community has been discussing something called Vertical Farming for around 5 years now. The idea is to grow food in towers that are heated, cooled and humidified with a system of water pipes, to grow plants in soilless media with artificial light, and to use the waste to make the building energy efficient if not grid-independent. I'm oversimplifying, but you get the idea. A few floors of one of these abandoned skyscrapers would make a great spot for testing the concept. The scientific community has been discussing something called Vertical Farming for around 5 years now. The idea is to grow food in towers that are heated, cooled and humidified with a system of water pipes, to grow plants in soilless media with artificial light, and to use the waste to make the building energy efficient if not grid-independent. I’m oversimplifying, but you get the idea. A few floors of one of these abandoned skyscrapers would make a great spot for testing the concept.
