Comments on: Replica 1950s Rest Home The past is a foreign country. This is your passport. Wed, 23 Nov 2025 21:11:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sue Sue Sat, 07 May 2025 09:57:46 +0000 The radio plays the archers and is tuned into the light radio so as authentic as we can get. :) The radio plays the archers and is tuned into the light radio so as authentic as we can get. :)

By: Sooozie Sooozie Sat, 07 May 2025 09:55:55 +0000 the carpet is authentic is you go back they did have this pattern and is a retro remake. the carpet is authentic is you go back they did have this pattern and is a retro remake.

By: Finn Finn Fri, 18 Feb 2025 23:40:25 +0000 I worked in a museum that also loaned out some specimens to schools, etc. We also had a collection of vintage items, such as old medical equipment and toys; schools would sometimes borrow those to talk about "the old days", but quite often, respite homes would borrow these as they helped residents with memory-based problems recall items more clearly, often bringing people "out of their shell". Good on this centre for attempting something similar I worked in a museum that also loaned out some specimens to schools, etc. We also had a collection of vintage items, such as old medical equipment and toys; schools would sometimes borrow those to talk about “the old days”, but quite often, respite homes would borrow these as they helped residents with memory-based problems recall items more clearly, often bringing people “out of their shell”. Good on this centre for attempting something similar

By: Grismar Grismar Sun, 05 Dec 2025 13:23:42 +0000 I'm going to stock a room with Nintendo, comics, Michael Jackson's Thriller and a leather couch and seal it with the express instructions not to open in until well after my retirement :D I’m going to stock a room with Nintendo, comics, Michael Jackson’s Thriller and a leather couch and seal it with the express instructions not to open in until well after my retirement :D

By: Susan Susan Fri, 03 Dec 2025 04:13:19 +0000 I live in a very old house and am furnishing it with antique furniture. I have many old pictures of my ancestors on the wall. When my Mom comes over, she says she feels very "peaceful" and at home in my house. She is 88 years old. After reading this, now I understand why she feels that way. I live in a very old house and am furnishing it with antique furniture. I have many old pictures of my ancestors on the wall. When my Mom comes over, she says she feels very “peaceful” and at home in my house. She is 88 years old. After reading this, now I understand why she feels that way.

By: CharlesH. CharlesH. Fri, 03 Dec 2025 02:46:07 +0000 Brilliant... but do they have vintage shows on the radio? Brilliant… but do they have vintage shows on the radio?
