‘Given the images people see on TV, many conclude Afghanistan never made it out of the Middle Ages. But that is not the Afghanistan I remember. I grew up in Kabul in the 1950s and ’60s. Stirred by the fact that news portrayals of the country’s history didn’t mesh with my own memories, I wanted to discover the truth.
‘Remembering Afghanistan’s hopeful past only makes its present misery seem more tragic. But it is important to know that disorder, terrorism, and violence against schools that educate girls are not inevitable. I want to show Afghanistan’s youth of today how their parents and grandparents really lived.’
- Mohammad Qayoumi

"Central control panel at Radio Kabul transmitter. Transmitter can be heard as far distant as South Africa and Indonesia."

"In the absence of dependable international peace, national defense plays an important role in the affairs of the nation."

"Skilled workers like these press operators are building new standards for themselves and their country."
Thank you to Eric Stephan and Mohammad Rahim.
Fascinating blog…http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/adamcurtis/afghanistan/
I wonder, and this will sound racist but it’s because I don’t know the history of Afghanistan during this period represented, who was in control of the nation at the time? Also really radical Islamic “fundementalism” as it’s known today is credited to have come out of Egypt in the mid 50′s. That looks to be about the period these photos were taken. It is very sad because we in the west prefer our luxury. It is also sad because no country or area should abuse any gender and recind rights out of misguided efforts at purity. Again, not intended to offend, just some thoughts and questions.
Oh boy has that country been screwed up. I can’t believe the Afghanis did it on their own so who should we blame? The US, the USSR, UK, oil companies? You can bet that those responsible aren’t going to come forward
[...] pictures, and a sweet statement of purpose, at the link. Date: Oct 11th, 2025 · Comments RSS · Tags: [...]
Afganistan certainly seemed to be on the right path in the 1950s. So sad what’s become of them since.
Like Iran, Egypt, Syria, & Turkey, these countries all made a very deliberate effort to Westernise and thus become “modern” - but I’d put money on nearly all the people in these phots coming from the tiny middle or upper classes - they simply didn’t carry the peasants with them.
@Catherine Jones, answer; All of the above…
Odd coincidence, Iraq and Iran also had the earliest democratic/parliamentary systems in the region. Again, “all of the above” got involved and… ok, maybe it’s not such a coincidence.
Hard to make it “out of the middle ages” if you keep getting carpet bombed back into it.
Even the commenters are afraid of being labelled racist!
Why fear the truth? The problem IS the interpretation of the Quran, seems that each ‘mad mullah’ has his own version.
If none followed these teachings there would be no problem.
The solution would be in rewriting the misunderstood words to emphasise the EXACT meaning
Sorry to say this, but your attitude is a text book example of the mindset that allows groups like the Taliban to prosper. The West is now far more concerned with appearing tolerant, accepting, and non-racist than it is about women’s rights. We walk on egg shells and accept all cultural practices as being valid when they clearly aren’t. Here’s two as an example: genital mutilation and the banning of women from education. When we as a society begin to entertain these practices as in any way defensible because they are “part of the culture” or “part of the religion” then we might as well curl up and die.
These pics could be any western country…what happend? In 50 years, it appears as though, the country digressed back 1500 years. It would seem as though the Taliban types have set this country in a counter clockwise, rotation
Yeah blame the fact that girls there are not allowed to go to school on “carpet bombing” blame the opium producing warlords there on “carpet bombing”. No, it’s the Taliban that has set this country back 1500 years!
The country…or the city? There are lots of countries in the world whose capitals look very modern and progressive…but where time steps back centuries once you drive out past the reach of city lights. I’d be interested in seeing 60-year-old pictures of the Afgan countryside to see how modern and enlightened it appeared to be…