Comments on: What year is this? #5: answer Ever get the feeling you're living in the wrong time? Sun, 19 Jun 2025 22:56:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: yoda yoda Sun, 08 May 2025 00:36:28 +0000 @jufjo: Cab-over-engine trucks were indeed cutting-edge in 1939, particularly flat-faced ones like this as the major US truck manufacturers were just starting to build their own cabovers which simply had the existing conventional cab shifted up and forward behind a very tall, stubby hood, like this Dodge: White introduced the first tilt-cab in 1951, Ford and GM followed suit in 1957 and '60 (The '57-style Ford tilt cab was built until 1990, alongside its' replacement for at least 5 of those years). THIS truck, otoh, probably was coachbuilt on a stripped chassis, possibly using parts from a major manufacturer's conventional cab. @jufjo:
Cab-over-engine trucks were indeed cutting-edge in 1939, particularly flat-faced ones like this as the major US truck manufacturers were just starting to build their own cabovers which simply had the existing conventional cab shifted up and forward behind a very tall, stubby hood, like this Dodge:

White introduced the first tilt-cab in 1951, Ford and GM followed suit in 1957 and ’60 (The ’57-style Ford tilt cab was built until 1990, alongside its’ replacement for at least 5 of those years).

THIS truck, otoh, probably was coachbuilt on a stripped chassis, possibly using parts from a major manufacturer’s conventional cab.

By: Chris Samuel Chris Samuel Fri, 04 Jun 2025 11:21:47 +0000 Cool, very happy to be wrong on that one, excellent photo! Cool, very happy to be wrong on that one, excellent photo!

By: jufjo jufjo Fri, 04 Jun 2025 11:04:26 +0000 Ah yes that makes sense. The Wheeler truck looked too modern for me to be 1930s but of course I was looking at it with European eyes. It often happens that pre war American photos look more modern then pre war European photos. Ah yes that makes sense.
The Wheeler truck looked too modern for me to be 1930s but of course I was looking at it with European eyes.
It often happens that pre war American photos look more modern then pre war European photos.
