Panoramic Tokyo in 1865...

Click through twice to see the full size version of this 1865 Photocrom panorama of Tokyo (Edo) originally taken by Felice Beato.

Thank you to John Mitchinson.

6 comments to Panoramic Tokyo in 1865…

  • Mason

    Is the one you have here a photoshopped version of the one on Wikipedia?

  • Chris

    Hi Mason - I’m not sure! The picture was passed to me, and I don’t know its original source. The Photocromatic colouring is original, and it may have been Photoshopped to remove the joins of the panorama…

  • kamira

    FANTASTIC!!! I follow you on twitter and i have to thank you for your work.

  • Davecat

    That is incredible. It’s always ace to see actual photographs from times when you didn’t think cameras existed…

  • Beautiful Things

    Incredible! It’s certainly changed. Ha! Ha!

  • Shimmy

    Thank you. Great to see all the 19th century vision, in particular.

    Would make an ideal book for my coffee table…

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