Comments on: Colour photographs of Oxford, early summer, 1924 Ever get the feeling you're living in the wrong time? Sun, 06 Nov 2024 15:26:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: dickface dickface Mon, 01 Aug 2024 15:42:04 +0000 TLDR. TLDR.

By: Chris Chris Sun, 21 Mar 2024 13:18:47 +0000 *contemplates. finds cannot add to* Yes. *contemplates. finds cannot add to* Yes.

By: Lady Crafthole Lady Crafthole Sun, 21 Mar 2024 12:16:25 +0000 "Oxford, in those days, was still a city of aquatint. In her spacious and quiet streets men walked and spoke as they had done in Newman's day; her autumnal mists, her grey springtime, and the rare glory of her summer days - such as that day - when the chestnut was in flower and the bells rang out high and clear over her gables and cupolas, exhaled the soft airs of centuries of youth. It was this cloistral hush which gave our laughter its resonance, and carried it still, joyously, over the intervening clamour." — Evelyn Waugh (Brideshead Revisited) *sighs* “Oxford, in those days, was still a city of aquatint. In her spacious and quiet streets men walked and spoke as they had done in Newman’s day; her autumnal mists, her grey springtime, and the rare glory of her summer days – such as that day – when the chestnut was in flower and the bells rang out high and clear over her gables and cupolas, exhaled the soft airs of centuries of youth. It was this cloistral hush which gave our laughter its resonance, and carried it still, joyously, over the intervening clamour.”

— Evelyn Waugh (Brideshead Revisited)

