Peeking behind the Iron Curtain, 1953...

From English Russia:

“During WWII the Soviet Union was very tough on letting foreign, especially Western, journalists enter the USSR, and especially Moscow.

Only after Stalin’s death in 1953 were the first photographers allowed into Moscow and to take the first photographs of the Soviet State. These images are from a very early French photographer, letting the world see the people of Moscow for the first time in a decade.”

Some people will look at these images and see restriction, repression and limitation. Others will see a lost home, a golden time of security and equality. Such is the nature of Ostalgie…

4 comments to Peeking behind the Iron Curtain, 1953…

  • Luke Coleman

    The first thumbnail is a great photograph for so many technical reasons, but for a Russophile such as myself, the diversity of people distinguishable is fantastic. I’m really enjoying this website Chris, thanks

  • Chris

    Thanks Luke, I appreciate that. More to come from Russia…

  • Charlie

    What an excellent set of images, not to mention a very touching last paragraph. It may never have been my home, but I do look at these photos and see a time of security, equality, and happiness (especially: top row, third from the left).

    This is one of the most original ideas for a blog that I’ve seen in quite some time. Please keep up the good work.

  • Chris

    Thanks Charlie, I’m really glad it works for you.

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